Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Identify a researchable problem in long term care using practical Assignment

Identify a researchable problem in long term care using practical examples and citing from literature. The problem refers to whether a patient's DNR status should deny them emergency treatment - Assignment Example A DNR does not become an obstacle in the way of most medical treatments like dialysis, surgery, chemotherapy etc. However, any emergency procedure which would consist of intubation or CPR is not allowed and patients with DNR status are denied that. Though each state in the US has differing rules and regulations, both CPR and advanced life support are not performed if there is an explicit DNR request confirmed by law. It is considered important that â€Å"a full discussion of the DNR order should be undertaken† (Norman, 2010) before advancing to surgery. But the way things are done is different in the prehospital settings and in many US states, a DNR order is not followed during the period when a patient is being transferred to the hospital from the site of trauma. Prehospital medical personnel in such cases starts resuscitation measures and does not deny a patient proper cardiac life support based on intubation and CPR. In contrast to Canada and US where DNRs are respected in healthcare setups by doctors and nurses, it is claimed by a Jordanian medical student that there is no concept of DNRs in Jordan and rest of the Middle East and also the family is denied the right to observe resuscitation in the OR. It is always tr ied to save a patient’s life even if emergency measures taken antagonize the patient’s will (Yousef, cited in Jimenez, 2009). There are some conditions specified by the US law when a patient’s DNR status should not deny them emergency treatment. This is when, among other conditions, there is sufficient evidence suggesting cancellation of the DNR order. Also, when a patient him/herself wishes for resuscitative or emergency measures or he/she is not in a state to make a conscious decision and it is requested by a family member to initiate emergency procedures, the DNR form is ignored (New York Department of Health, 1999). However, if a patient shows a DNR personally or

Monday, October 28, 2019

I have a dream Essay Example for Free

I have a dream Essay I have a dream that one day we shall all live in a world without bullies. No one to intimidate us, no one to tell us what to do and how to do it, but to lead our own lives in confidence, and being able to walk strong-mindedly through streets at night without feeling scared or threatened by others. Every day, children are too frightened to go to school as they are being bullied. There are children coming home in tears as they are having such a bad time at school. And those are just the children who do speak out! Many children are too scared to even tell an adult that they are being bullied, as they fear that it will only get worse. Are you being bullied? Have you ever had someone hit you, or make you feel threatened? Even name-calling is a form of bulling. If you are being bullied and have not told anyone, then now is the time to do so. Do it now, before it could get any worse. Why should you put up with it? Dont let them get away with it. And never feel like it is your own fault. Or maybe you are a bully? Are you? Ask yourself, have you ever picked on anyone for no reason at all. Maybe because they arent wearing the latest designer gear, or that they look different, talk differently or simply dont even listen to the same music as you? When people hear the word bullying, they automatically think of big, rough looking kids holding smaller children up by the scruffs of their necks and taking their dinner money. But mental bullying is just the same, maybe worse even, than physical bullying. Even a dirty look at someone is a form of bullying. Whether its physical or mental bullying, they all affect the victim. Bullies dont realise just how much they can effect someones life. They dont know the after-effects they can leave on their victims. Even name calling leaves scars inside. Victims of bullying often turn to drugs, turn anorexic, bulimia, and sometimes bully others to get over their trauma. In some sad cases, children sometimes take their own life to end the bullying! But bullying doesnt just go on at school. Its happening to pedestrians on the street, adults at work, and to be honest really, anywhere that someone can be seen vulnerable to others. This morning I opened a newspaper, only to be confronted by headlines such as, Old Woman Mugged at Knife-point and Young girl stabbed for the sake of 20 pounds. It disgusts me to think that humans can act like this towards each other. But the thing that repulses me the most about such crimes is that it is so common. Killing someone for the sake of a few pounds? Or a mobile phone? Too many incidents like these are occurring more frequently over the years and it looks like things are going to carry on like this if people dont look out for others and try to help those who are being bullied. So until people start to look out for others in the world, start to care about how they act towards others, and to basically appreciate other human beings as they themselves would like to be treated, my dream, that one-day we shall all live in a world without bullies. No one to intimidate us, no one to tell us what to do and how to do it, but to lead our own lives in confidence, and being able to walk strong-mindedly through streets at night without feeling scared or threatened by others, will continue to be a dream.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Air Pollution and Climate Change in Tanzania Essay -- Africa Environme

Air Pollution and Climate Change in Tanzania In looking at how weather and climate effect Tanzanian society, it is important to emphasize how both increased air pollution and evidence of climate change are of growing concern to Tanzania’s future. A developing nation of roughly 38 million citizens invested in an economy primarily focused on agriculture, Tanzania is at this time unable to handle the growing issues it is facing as they relate to the livelihoods of the majority of its citizens. Prolonged drought has increased the importance of the country’s rainy season, and further amplified the threat of each year’s dry months, which last for the majority of the year. While many of Tanzania’s citizens worry about the lack of federal monitoring and legislation surrounding air pollution and climate change, they are often inadvertently contributing to their own demise as they struggle to survive with antiquated technology and lifestyles in general. As of September 2007, and as reported in September 2003, the Tanzanian government has no official policies or standards on air pollution that its industries and citizens must follow. Instead, due to a lack of financial and thus technical resources, little has been done to measure and assess the amount of harmful toxins in the air that the general population breathes daily, most especially in its densely populated cities. The Tanzanian government hasn’t sat completely idle however, and in general terms has addressed issues of air pollution in legislation dating back to the 1960s. However, the Merchant Shipping Act (1967), one of the first pieces of legislation mentioned the concept of air pollution, did not do so in a way that concentrated on the significant dangers raised pollution... ... aid Tanzania is likely to be destined to a fate it cannot and will not be able to control. References: APINA. â€Å"Tanzania—Country Fact Sheet.† Air Pollution Information Network – Africa. September 2003. . Kupaza, Ramdhani. â€Å"Tanzania: Expected Attitude Toward Air.† Arusha Times. 15 September 2007. . Loserian, David. â€Å"Climate Change and Poverty: Experiences in Eastern Tanzania, Morogoro Region.† Tanzania Forest Conservation Group. No Date. seors/file_storage/8mi6mz7utr9h9ce.pdf>. Paavola, Jouni. â€Å"Vulnerability to Climate Change in Tanzania: Sources, Substance and Solutions.† Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment. 19 June 2003. papers/paavola_tanzania.pdf>.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Animation and transition Effects

According to what is mentioned in the fundamentals of the system, the user requirements, the slides must consist of some animation effects pictures and words. The system must also include transition effects where one slide changes to another. On the first slide or homepage however, there will be no animation or transition effects, because most of the information is displayed on the Main Page and if for example each contaminant of the Contents is seen appearing, disappearing, dissolving e.t.c, then the user is most likely to get confused. The other disadvantage of including animations and transition effects on the homepage is that they take some time of carry out the effect, and even though the timings can be changed, it is almost certain that it will take the reader more than 5 seconds to learn how to use the system. However, the reader may still get confused when navigating throughout the other slides seeing many different transition effects taking place. So there will only be two transition effects used which are Checker box across and Checker box down. The user will have the choice of clicking on a selected category from the Contents, if he does not do this within a generous period of 2 minutes then the transition effect will automatically take place and the slide will change to the next slide. This will be useful because people who just wish to look at the system and don't want to use it, or foreigners, they can see the cool effects and different slides which will be very eye catching and attract the users attention. Breakdown of final solution into sub-tasks Even though the final design was considered best possible from a range of people, there was still room for implementation, which additionally helped, achieves a professional looking eye catching, attractive system. What to do to implement the final design and how to do it can be put into a step-by-step list, and each can be put into sub-tasks The first task: Create the homepage slide (the first slide that the user will see when using the system) The Title the Amp Oval will be done in the specified font but the letter ‘O' in ‘Oval' in the cricket ball shape will be achieved by copying the text into Microsoft Paint, then selecting or free-form selecting the letter ‘O' and adding colour using colour applying facilities and further manipulating the ‘O' into a Cricket Ball. The second task: Obtaining the grass effect: The grass effect in the background will be obtained by saving a picture of grass from the internet. Only one square chunk of the grass will need to be copied and pasted in Microsoft Paint so that the contrast and colour can be altered to make it have the effect of a background. This will then be copied and pasted several times in the presentation to fill the appropriate areas. The third task: Creating navigation buttons: In Microsoft PowerPoint there is already a making-life easy option of inserting action buttons under the slide show menu. This also contains the facilities for decisions to be made of what slide to hyperlink to by pressing the button. If the button need be altered then by clicking the button, a menu will open up ‘Format auto shape' where the colour of the button, and various other things can be done to the action button. The fourth task: Adding maps and images: The Site map locating the Amp Oval will be scanned directly out of an A-Z on the appropriate page. It will be saved as a .jpeg file and opened up in Microsoft Paint, where the size can be changed to fit it in the available area, and an arrow and an ‘X' can be marked to show where exactly on the map it is. The stadium side view image will be imported from the internet onto the system. This will be saved as well as a larger image, which is the result of stretching the original image. The t-shirt will be opened in Paint and parts of it will be changed using the select option. The fifth task: Adding animation and transitional effects to each slide: Each slide will contain similar animation and transition effects to add more interest and get the users attention. The final task: Testing to see if the system works: Ultimately the most important task is to check if the system works, if it doesn't work as required then the errors can be corrected. If this final task is not carried out, then there is no idea if the system will meet the User requirements. Test Plan It can not be emphasized enough how important it is to carry out a test plan to confirm and re-confirm that the design contains everything mentioned in the user requirements, any additional, and implementations are to be considered after the design has been implemented. It is very important to know that no errors are to be discovered in the system. Therefore, a test plan has been assembled together and thought of with great precision to make sure that the system is to the highest of standards.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Elevator Pitch

The concept of the Elevator Pitch is borne from the idea that if you met an investor on an elevator and only had 30 seconds to pitch your business, what would it sound like? In fact 30 seconds is about as much attention as you are going to get from an investor to begin with, so thinking in that time frame makes a lot of sense. The formula for the perfect Elevator Pitch involves three ingredients – the Problem, the Solution, and the Market Size. The Problem Every great company starts by solving an important problem.The more accurately you articulate the Problem, the more valuable the Solution will be. Think about how NetFlix. com solved the problem of having to go to the video store in order to rent a movie. No one enjoyed having to travel back and forth to the video store for a rental, nor did they appreciate paying late fees (which we all have done, and hate! ) NetFlix solved the problem of never having to visit a video store to rent a movie and never having to pay late fees again. It was a real problem that everyone could identify with (much to the chagrin of Blockbuster! The Elevator Pitch has three main ingredients: The Problem, The Solution and The Market Size. With only the Problem in hand, our Elevator Pitch would start like this: â€Å"Going to the video store is a pain. People don't like traveling back and forth just to rent a movie and they hate paying late fees even more. † What's important about this explanation of the Problem is that everyone can relate to the problem. The more relate-able the problem, the more likely you are to get someone's attention to it.Think about ways to modify your â€Å"Problem† so that anyone you meet could easily understand it. It’s more important that the problem is relate-able than complicated. Now let's find a solution. The Solution Once you've articulated the Problem your next step is to think about how your Solution fixes that Problem beautifully. Sticking with our NetFlix example, hereâ €™s how we might articulate our Solution: â€Å"NetFlix provides customers with a huge selection of movies that they can order right to their doorstep and never have to pay a single late fee for. Notice how the Solution ties directly back to the pain points of the problem, namely the fact that you don't have to leave your house and you don't have to pay late fees. A good Solution is a direct reflection of the Problem. As a side note, a Solution with no Problem preceding it is a lot less valuable. Take a second look at the Solution for NetFlix above without the Problem before it, and think about how much less exciting that Solution is without understanding the Problem that it solves. The Market SizeSolving the Problem beautifully is nice and all, but if the Market Size of the Problem isn't big enough, you're not likely get investors very excited. The Market Size explains just how big and widespread the market is, which implies how big of a company you can build by solving that p roblem. Investors want to know you're solving a painful problem in a giant market. If you can combine those two factors, you'll generate a lot more interest. Watch what happens when we reduce the size of NetFlix's Market Size by just adding a few words to the Problem: Going to the video store to rent the movie Fletch is a pain. People don't like traveling back and forth just to rent Fletch and they hate paying late fees even more. † We haven't even explained the Solution yet and already you're probably thinking â€Å"How big of a business could you build on helping people rent Fletch? I mean hey, it's a good movie, and probably a seminal work by Chevy Chase, but c'mon! † Now let's try that again, only this time we'll use a real Market Size: â€Å"For over 90 million Americans going to the video store is a pain.People don't like traveling back and forth just to rent a movie and they hate paying late fees even more. † Notice how with just a small modification we ga ve you a real good indication of how big this Problem really is. 90 million Americans represent a lot of dollars spent. Even if you don't entirely understand the problem, you can certainly understand that 90 million people probably add up to a pretty big market opportunity. Picking the right Market Size is about identifying a portion of the market that is likely to buy your product.It's not everyone that's ever seen a movie; it's everyone that is currently renting movies. Maybe it's less than that if some percentage of those consumers don't use the Internet. You don't need to have the world's largest market, but be mindful of going after a market that is obviously too small (like the people renting Fletch) for fear of turning people away before they even have the opportunity to hear you out. Put it Together, then Pare it Down Now we've got a nice understanding of the Problem, Solution and Market Size. The next step is to distill that explanation down to an easy-to-remember ite-sized sound bite that still covers all the bases. Let's try a shorter version: â€Å"NetFlix helps over 90 million Americans avoid driving to the video store by delivering movies directly to their doorstep without ever paying late fees. † In one sentence we've tackled the Market Size, Problem, and Solution in a way people can easily remember. Most importantly, in a way you can remember when you're explaining what you do a million times over! In many cases, you'll be lucky if you get just enough time to get this one message across, so refining the message is key.Don't worry about getting it right the first time. Pitch it a few times to strangers, get some reactions and modify. It takes some practice. The Tag Line Distilling the Elevator Pitch down to one sentence isn't always enough. You'll often need something that's just a few words in order to arm others with an easy explanation of your company. You'll personally remember that 90 million Americans have a movie rental problem and that you help people avoid late fees. No one else will. Investors won't remember more than the general concept.Your advisors who mention you at cocktail parties won't be able to recite your beautiful pitch. You need a Tag Line. The Tag Line is an explanation of what you do without the details. It's how people reference you before getting into the pitch. It's how you probably remember most of the products you use today. Here's a Tag Line for Netflix: â€Å"Mail Order DVD Rentals† Notice how simple that is? That's the point. In just four words it explains what NetFlix does, without going into the details of the problem it solves or how big that problem may be.Take some time and really refine your Tag Line. Put it on your Web site, your business card and all of your collateral items. You're building a brand after all, and your Tag Line is what makes that brand memorable. Summary Your Elevator Pitch may be one of the single most important tools you use to communicate your brilli ant idea to the world. Most great pitches you hear, like famous advertising slogans, are the result of countless hours spent refining, gathering input and refining some more.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

These Are The Best Jobs for High School Dropouts

These Are The Best Jobs for High School Dropouts Not every job listing calls for a college degree, but a vast majority of them do call for a high school diploma. If you don’t have that, it can feel like every job listing is out of your reach. Don’t despair! You have options, even if a diploma or GED isn’t in your near future. It’s all about the strategy, and we’re going to give you strategies you can use to find your opportunities, and some of the best jobs available even without a high school diploma. You can always sign up to receive the jobs that match your skills and goals right here on TheJobNetwork. First, the prep work. Here are three things you should do as you get started on your job search.Come up with a plan. Just because you don’t have a diploma doesn’t mean you have to limit your professional goals. What do you like to do? What skills do you already have? What would you like to be doing in 10 years?Build your skills. Based on what you want to do, what skills will you nee d to a) get in the door; and b) succeed in that field and nab future opportunities? Try taking an online class to improve your software skills, or learn basic computer skills like coding. Your skills can be your best asset in a job hunt, so it’s important to put as much care and effort into building them as you can.Trick out your resume. Your resume is your biggest opportunity to frame your professional narrative. Rather than focus on what you don’t have, you can build your resume around what you do have (skills, experience, etc.). Â  You can also get started with one of our resume templates from our resume library. Resume templates are a great way to get started building your own resume with the right foundation.Next, the hunt itself. Where should you look, if you didn’t graduate high school? Let’s look at some of the best jobs for high school dropouts with the most potential:Heavy Truck DriverThe job: While many trucker job openings prefer a high schoo l diploma, the most important elements are the driver’s license (a Commercial Driver’s License, or CDL, is a must) and a clean driving record. Without a diploma or GED, you can still enroll in a training program to build the necessary skills and experience to get started.The pay: Median salary of $40,260 per year, or $19.36 per hour, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The need for construction workers is predicted to grow by about 5% by 2024.Home Health AideThe job: While this may not be the most glamorous job around, it can be a great way to get into the booming healthcare industry if you have an excellent bedside manner. Home health aides are responsible for visiting patients in their homes and providing help with daily activities like feeding, bathing, taking medicine, and mobility.The pay: Median salary of $21,920 per year, or $10.54 per hour, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The need for home health aides is predicted to grow by about 38% by 2024.Con struction WorkerThe job: If you’re good with your hands and can do heavy lifting, construction can be a lucrative career path with a lot of growth opportunity. Construction laborers may work for towns and cities, agencies, or private companies/contractors doing project-based labor.The pay: Median salary of $30,890 per year, or $14.85 per hour, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The need for construction workers is predicted to grow by about 13% by 2024.Food Service ManagerThe job: If you’re willing to put in your time in the food service trenches as an entry-level employee, getting on the managerial track is a solid opportunity for your future. It’s a field that is continually hiring even when others aren’t, in a tough economy.The pay: Median salary of $48,690 per year, or $23.41 per hour, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The need for home health aides is predicted to grow by about 5% by 2024.CosmetologistThe job: Who wouldn’t want to help make the world a more attractive place? Cosmetologists (which can include hairdressers and barbers) need to complete an accredited training and licensing program, but in many states you can do this while completing your GED at the same time.The pay: Median salary of $23,710 per year, or $11.40 per hour, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The need for construction workers is predicted to grow by about 13% by 2024.If you don’t have your diploma, don’t get discouraged. You have options- you just need to make sure you’re looking for the best opportunities that match your skills and your goals. TheJobNetwork is a great place to find the perfect opportunities that match your skills. You can even get the new job opportunities delivered to your email when they get posted, so you would never miss the right job. You can sign up here. Good luck!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on The Killer Angels

The Killer Angels Michael Shaara’s The Killer Angels tells the amazing story of the Battle of Gettysburg. On July 1, 1863, the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and the Union Army of the Potomac fought the largest battle of the American Civil War. The battle left 51,000 men dead, wounded, or missing. The characters first introduced include General Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate army; General James Longstreet, Lee's second-in-command; Union Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, and Major General George Meade, commanding general of the Union Army. On June 30, 1863 a spy comes to General Longstreet to inform him that he has seen the Union army moving nearby. Longstreet is surprised by this information because General J.E.B. Stuart has been sent to track the Union army with his cavalry. Longstreet tells General Lee that he thinks the Confederate army should move quickly to the north to intercept the Federals. The Confederates move southeast through the mountains and toward the small town of Gettysburg. Just south of Gettysburg, Union colonel Chamberlain is awaken and discovers that his regiment, the Twentieth Maine, has 120 new members who are mutineers from the Second Maine. Chamberlain gives them a quick speech, asking them to continue to fight, and all but six of the men join freely. General John Buford, leader of the Union cavalry, rides into the town of Gettysburg and encounters Confederate troops in the nearby area. He realizes that the two armies may end up fighting in the town, so he positions his two brigades along the hills of the area. He knows that having high ground is the key to winning the battle. On the morning of July 1, Lee rises to find that Stuart is still nowhere to be found. Without Stuart he has no idea where the Union army is located. He meets with Longstreet, who wants to use defensive tactics to swing southeast and come between the Union army and Washington, D.C. Lee refuses, saying t... Free Essays on The Killer Angels Free Essays on The Killer Angels The Killer Angels Michael Shaara’s The Killer Angels tells the amazing story of the Battle of Gettysburg. On July 1, 1863, the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia and the Union Army of the Potomac fought the largest battle of the American Civil War. The battle left 51,000 men dead, wounded, or missing. The characters first introduced include General Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate army; General James Longstreet, Lee's second-in-command; Union Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, and Major General George Meade, commanding general of the Union Army. On June 30, 1863 a spy comes to General Longstreet to inform him that he has seen the Union army moving nearby. Longstreet is surprised by this information because General J.E.B. Stuart has been sent to track the Union army with his cavalry. Longstreet tells General Lee that he thinks the Confederate army should move quickly to the north to intercept the Federals. The Confederates move southeast through the mountains and toward the small town of Gettysburg. Just south of Gettysburg, Union colonel Chamberlain is awaken and discovers that his regiment, the Twentieth Maine, has 120 new members who are mutineers from the Second Maine. Chamberlain gives them a quick speech, asking them to continue to fight, and all but six of the men join freely. General John Buford, leader of the Union cavalry, rides into the town of Gettysburg and encounters Confederate troops in the nearby area. He realizes that the two armies may end up fighting in the town, so he positions his two brigades along the hills of the area. He knows that having high ground is the key to winning the battle. On the morning of July 1, Lee rises to find that Stuart is still nowhere to be found. Without Stuart he has no idea where the Union army is located. He meets with Longstreet, who wants to use defensive tactics to swing southeast and come between the Union army and Washington, D.C. Lee refuses, saying t...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Requerimientos de ingresos para patrocinar green card

Requerimientos de ingresos para patrocinar green card Si usted es ciudadano estadounidense o residente permanente legales y est en el proceso de solicitar una green card para uno o varios de sus  familiares, tendr que demostrar recursos econà ³micos suficientes. Si no puede hacerlo, la peticià ³n ser denegada. Pero,  ¿quà © cantidad de dinero se considera suficiente? La respuesta viene fijada por la ley y va a depender de: nà ºmero de personas que conforman su familia, de dà ³nde se vive y tambià ©n de si se tiene la condicià ³n de militar en activo o no. En este artà ­culo se resuelven esas inquietudes. Adems, se informa sobre quà © se puede computar como ingresos para obtener la cantidad que se pide, en quà © momento hay que demostrar dichos ingresos y, por à ºltimo, quà © se puede hacer si no se ingresa la cantidad requerida. Requerimientos de ingresos para patrocinar la green card a un familiar Los requerimientos financieros  son distintos segà ºn las categorà ­as: Familia Militares Alaska Hawaii Resto estados y PR 1 $11,880 $18,550 $17,087.5 $14,850 2 $16,020 $25,025 $23,037.5 $20,025 3 $20,160 $31,500 $28,987.5 $25,200 4 $24,300 $37,975 $34,937.5 $30,375 5 $28,440 $44,450 $40,887.5 $35,550 6 $32,580 $50,935 $46,887.5 $40,725 7 $36,730 $57,300 $52,787.5 $45,912.5 8 $40,890 $63,900 $58,762.5 $51,112.5 Cà ³mo entender la tabla   Existe una categorà ­a para militares en activo que son miembros del Army, los Marines, la Guardia Costera, las Fuerzas Aà ©reas o la Navy deben tener ingresos que equivalen al 100 por 100 de la cantidad fijada como là ­nea   o umbral de la pobreza, que es una cantidad que fija cada aà ±o el gobierno. Y es la que aparece en la tabla superior en la columna que dice: militares. Las diferencias corresponde al nà ºmero de miembros de la familia del solicitante. Para los que no son militares aplican cantidades distintas segà ºn el lugar en el que se radique. Asà ­, los patrocinadores que residen en Alaska deben probar ingresos por al menos el 125 por ciento de la là ­nea de la pobreza para ese estado, que ya est calculada para este aà ±o y es la que aparece en la tabla superior bajo el nombre de ese estado. Los mismo aplica a los residentes de Hawaii. Por à ºltimo, los patrocinadores que ni son militares ni residen en Alaska o Hawaii deben probar ingresos superiores al 125 por ciento de la là ­nea de la pobreza fijada por ley para lo que se conoce como los 48 estados continuos. Adems, esto  aplica tambià ©n a Washington D.C. y al estado libre asociado de Puerto Rico. Son las cantidades que aparecen en la tabla superior en la columna bajo Resto de los estados y PR (Puerto Rico).  ¿Cà ³mo se computan los ingresos para decidir si se cumplen con los requerimientos financieros? La forma ms rpida de saber si se tienen ingresos suficientes para patrocinar a un familiar es verificar la declaracià ³n de impuestos à ºltima (tax returns). Si se llenà ³ la planilla 1040 o la 1040A, checar la là ­nea de gross income. Si se completà ³ el formulario 1040EZ, verificar la de adjusted gross income. Son ingresos aquellos que proceden del trabajo, negocios, dividendos de acciones, intereses, desempleo, compensatoria por matrimonio (alimony) y tambià ©n la pensià ³n alimenticia por nià ±os (child support) o beneficios como recibir vivienda gratis por parte del empleador. Sin embargo, no se pueden considerar ingresos los que proceden de programas del gobierno calificados como means-tested. Es decir, cupones de alimentos, Medicaid, Ingresos Complementarios de Seguridad (SSI), Asistencia Temporal para Familias en Necesidad (TANF) y CHIP, un seguro mà ©dico para nià ±os. Es importante destacar que sà ­ se puede patrocinar a un familiar si se reciben uno o varios de esos beneficios calificados como means-tested. Lo que no se puede hacer es sumar esos ingresos al total de ingresos para asà ­ obtener la cantidad mà ­nima que pide la ley para patrocinar. Es decir, dicha cantidad hay que obtenerla sin la suma de lo que se recibe por benefiicios means-tested. Con respecto a los beneficios means-tested conviene resaltar una caracterà ­stica ms. Y es que si el patrocinador los recibe y su peticià ³n es aprobada tiene que tener en cuenta que si el patrocinado se beneficia de los means-tested el gobierno va a reclamar al patrocinador que se le regresen esos pagos. Adems, en relacià ³n a los ingresos conviene saber cà ³mo  afectan las deudas y el mal crà ©dito a los asuntos migratorios Si los ingresos no son suficientes,  ¿se pueden incluir otros bienes del patrocinado, como por ejemplo propiedades? La respuesta es sà ­, excepto en el caso de que el formulario que se emplee en la declaracià ³n de sostenimiento tambià ©n conocida como declaracià ³n jurada de patrocinio econà ³mico o por su nombre en inglà ©s de  affidavit of support, sea el I-864EZ. En todos los dems casos, sà ­ se puede. Los bienes que pueden utilizarse son todos aquellos que pueden ser fcilmente vendidos y convertidos en dinero. Es decir, viviendas u otros inmuebles raà ­ces, bonos o acciones. Se considera la cantidad que resulta de su valor despuà ©s de restar cargos como, por ejemplo, hipotecas. En este caso hay reglas diferentes sobre el valor que deben alcanzar. En el caso de patrocinio de adoptados que adquirà ­an la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense al ingresar al paà ­s, se pide que el valor de los bienes sea igual a la diferencia que existe entre los ingresos del patrocinador y los que se le pide por ley segà ºn el tamaà ±o de la familia. Sin embargo, si se trata del patrocinio de un ciudadano a su cà ³nyuge o a un hijo soltero menor de 21 aà ±os, el valor de esos bienes debe ser al menos 3 veces superior a la cantidad que existen de diferencia entre los ingresos del patrocinador y la cantidad que deberà ­a ingresar segà ºn el tamaà ±o de su familia. Y, finalmente, en todos los dems casos, el valor de esos bienes debe ser al menos 5 veces ms que la diferencia entre lo que el patrocinador est ingresando y la cantidad que se le pide por ley. Y si no es suficiente,  ¿se pueden incluir bienes y/o ingresos de la persona patrocinada? La respuesta es sà ­, pero con importantes limitaciones que se deben tener en cuenta. En el caso de los ingresos, por ejemplo, porque la persona que se pide est trabajando, se pueden tener en cuenta siempre y cuando sea là ³gico esperar que una una vez que obtiene la green card continà ºa recibià ©ndolos de la misma fuente de ingresos.    Adems, en este caso, si la patrocinada es una persona es distinta al cà ³nyuge del patrocinador, debe estar en la actualidad residiendo en el mismo hogar. Por ejemplo, una ciudadana americana se casa con un maestro que est en Estados Unidos trabajando como maestro con una visa H-1B y decide patrocinarlo para la green card. En este caso, si los medios econà ³micos de la ciudadana no son suficientes para patrocinar puede contar los de su esposo, si se espera que seguir trabajando para la misma escuela una vez que se convierte en residente. Sin embargo un caso muy distinto serà ­a el de una ciudadana casada con un maestro que trabaja en Mà ©xico. Aquà ­ no puede contar con esos ingresos del cà ³nyuge, porque una vez que el esposo obtenga la green card se mudarà ­a a Estados Unidos y dejarà ­a de tener esos ingresos. Por otro lado, sà ­ es posible contabilizar los bienes, como por ejemplo, propiedades o acciones, que la persona pedida tiene en el extranjero si se cumplen todos de los siguientes requisitos: pueda convertirse en dinero en   un plazo mximo de 12 meses se pueda ingresar ese dinero en Estados Unidos. Algunos paà ­ses no permiten el envà ­o de divisas al extranjero o ponen là ­mites, por lo tanto esto hay que tenerlo en cuentay finalmente, el valor neto de esos bienes debe ser al menos cinco veces ms grande que la diferencia entre los ingresos de la persona que pide y lo que por ley debe ingresar para poder patrocinar.   Lo que no se puede contabilizar para esta cumplir con la obligacià ³n de demostrar ingresos suficientes para patrocinar es una oferta firme de empleo diciendo que una vez que el patrocinado se convierte en residente tendr un trabajo. Sin embargo, esta carta sà ­ que puede ser interesante tenerla y mostrarla en el consulado no por la razà ³n de la que habla este artà ­culo sino para demostrar que no existe el problema de ser un riesgo de carga pà ºblica. Esto à ºltimo convierte a una persona en inadmisible y serà ­a causa de negar la green card.  ¿Existe la posibilidad de un co-patrocinador? En el caso en el que el patrocinador no puede cumplir con el requisito de ingreso puede buscar un co-patrocinador,   es lo que se conoce como joint sponsor. Esta persona tiene que saber claramente que asume responsabilidades legales al firmar como tal el affidavit of support. Adems, debe cumplir con una serie de requisitos: 18 aà ±os de edad o ms Ciudadano americano o residente permanente legal que tiene su domicilio habitual en uno de los 50 estados de los Estados Unidos o en sus territorios, como por ejemplo, el estado libre asociado de Puerto Rico.El co-patrocinador debe cumplir con el requisito de ingresos segà ºn el tamaà ±o de su familia Tambià ©n hay que destacar que el co-patrocinador no tiene que ser familiar ni del pedido ni de la persona que pide los papeles para su familiar. Y que incluso es posible tener ms de un co-patrocinador pero no ms de dos para el caso en los que se pide a un migrante con varios familiares incluidos en esa peticià ³n.   A tener muy en cuenta Segà ºn el tipo de peticià ³n, el momento de presentar el affidavit of support y la documentacià ³n de apoyo puede demorarse muchos aà ±os. Primero se aprueba el I-130 y luego tiene lugar una segunda fase, que puede ser un ajuste de estatus o un procedimiento consular. Es en esta segunda parte donde tiene que demostrarse que se cumple el requisito. No en la primera de peticià ³n mediante el I-130. Precisamente porque se tarda tanto en algunos tipos de peticiones, como muestra el boletà ­n de visas publicado por el Departamento de Estado, algunos patrocinadores pueden decidir desistir de la peticià ³n. Si se sigue adelante, es importante asesorarse con un abogado migratorio reputado si se tienen dudas sobre cà ³mo llenar las planillas del affidavit of support o cualquier otra. Y tener siempre presente que mentir en un formulario migratorio tiene consecuencias graves. Finalmente, es muy recomendable tomar este test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la green card porque aclara de forma sencilla dudas e inquietudes frecuentes sobre asuntos muy relacionados con la peticià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia y responsabilidades para mantenerla. Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Emergency Management System in UK & USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Emergency Management System in UK & USA - Essay Example However, it is an area where both nations have their unique features of emergency management. For instance, UK seems to have incorporated counterterrorism with current homeland security system; whereas the US emphasis on special strategies to combat hazards emerged from terrorism. 2. Animal Emergency Management: As compared to UK, the United States pays higher priority to animal emergency management known as National Animal Health Emergency Management. NAHEMS undertakes the whole responsibilities of co-coordinating the activities of animal health emergency management with other organizations and make preparedness to encounter the emergency conditions. The responsibilities of the organization include coordination of national response infrastructure, coordinated emergency response plans and agreements, research and developments, training, education, and awareness programs ( The animal welfare act 2006 UK enacted general laws intended to ensure the protection of animals. Unlike the US system UK’s regulations mainly focus on provisions of the protection of farmed animals and domestic animals. 3. Emergency Medical Services (EMS): emergency medical service usually includes ambulance service and emergency rescue squad. It refers to ensuring urgent medical care or a higher level of healthcare to individuals with critically ill conditions. One can find considerable differences between the EMS operation systems of UK and the US. As US maintains a free healthcare market, there is no unanimous mode of operation can be found in EMS service. Although the service sector is regulated by government at federal level and more strictly at state levels, it is not solely owned by publicly-funded institutions. In addition to governmental initiatives, numerous private and profit oriented organizations also take part in the US emergency management system. They provide a wide range

Friday, October 18, 2019

Artist Reading Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Artist Reading Summary - Essay Example Born of an Irish mother and a full-blood Indian crow native father, she tries to depict, through her artwork, the combinations of those two different yet very important aspects of her cultural life. Before the passage of the two Acts, Western intrusion on perspective, history and ways of Amerindian were depicted wrongly. Many of them, through artistic approach, inaccurately drew the native culture and history as was knowledgeable to them. Linda explains how tradition methods of collecting and producing native art practices by Westerners altered the outlook. Linda Smith says the manner in which the colonialist perceived and presented knowledge about natives and their aspects of life is misleading (Smith 1). Janet Berlo observes in Early years of Native America History states that the history of Indian American art history in terms of shifting truths, falsehood, appropriations, scholarly formulations and historical moments-of different conjunctures of different historical moments (Berlo 13). In her artwork, Star shows the paradigms of Indian culture through the eyes of an original Amerindian. She displays the different outlook of her culture and how it has merged with modern society, something that previous artwork did not show. While elaborating the dynamics that shifted and led to native artist trying to be the originators of Indian works, Caro shows how Luna and Durham have tried to contribute to the understanding of the truth. Luna and Durham explain their cultures and correct collective knowledge presented of Amerindian history through art. Wendy Star tries to explain her culture when she depicts herself as a traditional crow woman. Her self-depiction may be seen clearly in the Indian attire she adorns. She represents the history of her culture by the human skeletons, adorning Indian traditional headdress at the table with her. Together, they illustrate the truthfulness of her culture as an Indian. Caro, in

Interoperability Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interoperability - Assignment Example Probably several nurses would lose their jobs because since one machine can do work for ten individuals. Therefore, it undervalues a national and international problem of unemployment by making nursing a course for machines. In addition, extra training of EMR technology would be necessary for this event. Provision of legal record for care is one of the matters that the scenario fails to elaborate clearly, since the scenario has proven to focus more on a nurse having a programmed device. However, it is reasonable to mention some shreds of legal record for care when certain mistakes such as losing or misplacing a patient’s file and failing to assure the safety and welfare of patients in a health center. Decision-making that is quick and accurate is one of the most important things in heath care in order to save a life during an emergency. The scenario presents a health environment with efficient and reliable information system. It also discusses a device that ensures receiving of calls from the nurse and allowing communication between internal and external parties – doctors, nurses, patients, and family members is complete. It is evident that the type of information is priceless and cases of neglect and death have been reported because doctors fail to make prompt decision-making. However, with interoperability in place, these statistics are bound to drop. It feels good to find out that the scenario achieves to please and get the support of many people. However, it has intentionally focused on the positive side of interoperability and automated health care record and done away with its shortcomings. The most noticeable one is that this scenario has failed to discuss financial obligations required in a health center. A correct speculation is that the procedure would cost a lot. The scenario highlights about activities in a hospital of discharging a patient and a well-structured transport team, which ensures that a patient is handed to their family. One

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Social Policy review and analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Social Policy review and analysis - Essay Example sily comprehensible process. Single issues or individual pressure groups are the basic building blocks of modern pressure groups. Every interest is "seen as expressing a joint purpose" of individuals that have come together to achieve convinced objectives. These groups have limited organizational skills and lack the knowledge of government to succeed in the few specific issues on their purpose. Single issues interest groups usually have a liquid membership base, which use the media and tremendous action to obtain their goals. The groups usually are fighting for a change in private or public policy they find inequitable or unmerited. These groups tend to break up when they reach their goals (or concede defeat). Although single interests groups are not completely unproductive, their "inclination towards passion" makes them not well liked in the Bureaucratic community and in revolve do not stay around for too long. The main key to success for these groups lies within their usefulness to demand to public opinion. If the single interests group is around for enough time either by following or refusing to give up they usually band together with other similar single interest groups to carry on the fight. Groups such as this are referred to as organizational interest groups and usually contain a higher level organization than the single interests groups. Joining two or more groups with concentration on "structural interests" can attracts a wider membership base that in turn provides a larger economic sustain to work with. With more money the group can appoint a small staff of experts including lawyers, public policy experts, and public relations staff to help meet the changes in the government. The structure and basic goals of the organization do not change after the amalgamation it simply becomes more complex. Organizational groups tend to keep away from unnecessary behavior in the name of the cause and the use of media to gather public attention. Instead, the groups use formal briefs to get thei r point across to the general public. The organizational groups are knowledgeable in the political arena but are not as useful as the institutional groups. Institutional groups or "super organizational" groups have an widespread membership basis that allows for a stable membership of like-minded people. Everyone within the institutional group does not partake in the same exact interest; the members are required to share the information with others in the group to act in a common manner. The groups have substantial resources to carry out their "concrete and instant objectives." The resources include a highly trained staff that has widespread knowledge of the government that effects the suitable government officials and can converse easily with them. Unlike the single interests or organizational groups, institutional interest groups have the skills and knowledge needed to act as a "go between,

Job Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Job Design - Essay Example Organisation is the core of business in 21st century organisations. Modern organisations are extremely efficient and organized, making the organisations function effectively and increase their productivity. This involves breaking down tasks linked with different components in an organisation, resulting in the concept of job design. Job design developed with speedy technological advancements of the 20th century, particularly when assembly line operations and mass production became the mainstay in organisations. In the 21st century, jobs are continually becoming specialized and sophisticated, hence the need for highly educated and motivated employees within the workforce. The primary purpose of job design is to enhance both employee productivity and motivation. Increased productivity manifests itself through a number of forms, for instance, focus can centre on the improvement of quantity and quality of products and services, the reduction of training costs, turnover and overall operati on costs. On the other hand, enhancing employee motivation is attainable through increased job satisfaction. In light of this, Herzberg’s Two-Hygiene Theory describes two groups of factors, dissatisfying and satisfying, which impact employees’ self-esteems, as well as opportunities for self-actualisation within the work environment. This involves hygiene factors and motivators. Herzberg poises that hygiene factors do not necessarily motivate employees when they are present, but their absence results in dissatisfaction (Latham & Pinder 2005, p. 503). Hygiene

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Social Policy review and analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Social Policy review and analysis - Essay Example sily comprehensible process. Single issues or individual pressure groups are the basic building blocks of modern pressure groups. Every interest is "seen as expressing a joint purpose" of individuals that have come together to achieve convinced objectives. These groups have limited organizational skills and lack the knowledge of government to succeed in the few specific issues on their purpose. Single issues interest groups usually have a liquid membership base, which use the media and tremendous action to obtain their goals. The groups usually are fighting for a change in private or public policy they find inequitable or unmerited. These groups tend to break up when they reach their goals (or concede defeat). Although single interests groups are not completely unproductive, their "inclination towards passion" makes them not well liked in the Bureaucratic community and in revolve do not stay around for too long. The main key to success for these groups lies within their usefulness to demand to public opinion. If the single interests group is around for enough time either by following or refusing to give up they usually band together with other similar single interest groups to carry on the fight. Groups such as this are referred to as organizational interest groups and usually contain a higher level organization than the single interests groups. Joining two or more groups with concentration on "structural interests" can attracts a wider membership base that in turn provides a larger economic sustain to work with. With more money the group can appoint a small staff of experts including lawyers, public policy experts, and public relations staff to help meet the changes in the government. The structure and basic goals of the organization do not change after the amalgamation it simply becomes more complex. Organizational groups tend to keep away from unnecessary behavior in the name of the cause and the use of media to gather public attention. Instead, the groups use formal briefs to get thei r point across to the general public. The organizational groups are knowledgeable in the political arena but are not as useful as the institutional groups. Institutional groups or "super organizational" groups have an widespread membership basis that allows for a stable membership of like-minded people. Everyone within the institutional group does not partake in the same exact interest; the members are required to share the information with others in the group to act in a common manner. The groups have substantial resources to carry out their "concrete and instant objectives." The resources include a highly trained staff that has widespread knowledge of the government that effects the suitable government officials and can converse easily with them. Unlike the single interests or organizational groups, institutional interest groups have the skills and knowledge needed to act as a "go between,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

USA economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

USA economy - Essay Example of the most important responsibilities of the Fed is to ensure monetary stability in the economy, which can be achieved through a combination of stable prices of goods and services across the economy coupled with a low inflation level and level of confidence of the investors in the currency of the country. The Fed comes out with monetary policy in order to ensure a certain key objectives like delivering price stability with a low inflation level coupled with an objective to support the Government’s economic objectives of growth and employment. To understand how the Fed monitors price related regulations to keep a check on inflation, we may consider a small example of the regulation of house and property prices. To take any decisions related to interest rates keeping in mind the ongoing inflation rate, the Fed must be thorough with the booming property prices and must take steps to ensure that the prices are not artificial. Government intervenes through its central bank to regulate the prices of many commodities, similarly it also regulates the prices of houses like any other important commodity. Fed has the responsibility to keep a check on asset prices including the prices of houses. There can be a number of reasons why the prices of houses may shoot up, like the simple rule of demand and supply has a definite impact. (Demand and Supply for Housing). The central bank sets a fixed interest rate at which it lends money to financial institutions and depending on this interest rate, individual banks and other financial institutions set up their own interest rates, which apply to the whole economy. This step is of indispensable importance to the economy, as this is very widely used to contain inflation. The only purpose behind such a step is just to contain undue inflationary levels prevailing in an economy. The point to be noted here is that, this interest rate set by the Bank of England is so effective and powerful that it chips in greatly to regulate the whole

International Political Economy Essay Example for Free

International Political Economy Essay International monetary fund (IMF) is an international organization composed currently with around 184 member countries representing almost all the nations in the world with an exception of a few. After the failure of Breton woods it came as a substitute of a regulatory monetary authority. The organization oversees the global financial system by implementing macroeconomics policy and financial policies aimed at stabilizing the economy’s the member nations. The organization was formed with an objective of stabilizing international monetary rates and enhancing economic development among the member states. Similarly International Monetary Fund offers leveraged loans to developing countries to stimulate their economic growth and development. At an extent IMF helps in promoting expansion, and balanced growth of international trade through co-operation with other bodies like World Trade Organization and World Bank. The organization also helps in developing a multilateral system for payment of current transactions. Despite the positive attributes from the organization it has come under severe attack from many experts and organization because of some of their inefficiency of their policies and their ineffectiveness to the targeted programs. Some of the policies used by the organization in trying to address the economic imbalances in developing nations have been ineffective as they have caused adverse effects to the member countries especially third world countries. In certain extent the organization has been used as a tool by the developed nations to propagate political interests of their â€Å"masters† through giving out conditional loans to poor nations and proposing for poor policy changes. The paper analyzes the roles of IMF and its policies and the effectiveness of those policies. Although other policies have used by the organization had positive results others technically contributed to economic underdevelopment in most poor nations. Roles of International Monetary Fund International monetary fund plays various significant roles in the global economy; International monetary fund was established to help member countries improve their economies by providing guidance and monitoring economic development in those nations. IMF is also engaged in ensuring there are sound financial policies formulated and implemented by the member states. Through extensive research and analysis the organization comes along with proposition which help in developing effective financial policies in tandem with country’s existing policies. Sound financial policies proposed by the organization are meant to strengthen the financial system of the global markets and member countries. â€Å"An effective financial system promotes economic growth and reduction of poverty by mobilizing savings and allocating them to productive uses† (World Bank, 2004, p. 72). International monetary fund provides three types of surveillance to member countries. That is bilateral surveillance, regional surveillance, and multilateral surveillance. Bilateral surveillance mostly involves discussions between international monetary fund, and the member country (Axel 2006, p 769-788). To begin the discussions in bilateral surveillance, IMF technocrats usually visit the member nation to collect information, and hold discussions with government officials in that country so as to gather enough information about the area. Apart from government officials, IMF experts also hold discussions with other members in the country such as labor unions and officials from the private sector and civil society. This is to gain more knowledge on the economic status of the country, and assess opportunities and potential threats. After the mission, the IMF staff holds meeting with the authorities to inform them on the findings obtained, risks and outlook. Bilateral surveillance helps identify risks to financial stability and international monetary fund in the member country. IMF uses bilateral surveillance to provide advice to member countries on the need to adjust certain policies. Bilateral surveillance helps IMF complement multilateral surveillance. Multilateral surveillance is important as it helps IMF strengthening its surveillance efforts. It helps IMF detect systemic risks and increase awareness of the risks in member countries. It also helps identify interdependencies in the international economy. Multilateral surveillance helps IMF identify developments in the global economy. It also helps the organization evaluate financial markets, and the outlook. Moreover, multilateral surveillance helps IMF identify changes to policy, and also effects caused by policies on member countries. IMF is working hard to enhance global discussions of economic connections among countries. This is to improve international trade among the countries (Axel 2006, p 769-788). IMF provides regional surveillance to member countries. Regional surveillance helps IMF monitor regional developments, and policies used by supra national authorities. Regional surveillance helps complement bilateral surveillance as it provides information from more than one country. Regional surveillance is important for members of currency unions. This is because policies in important areas of IMF are determined at regional level. In regional monitoring, discussions with country officials are carried out, and the report is represented separately. Formal procedures are used to conduct surveillance and evaluation over the monetary, and exchange rate policies of European nations. International monetary fund has strengthened its policies on monitoring measures so as to help eliminate concerns like vulnerability to balance of payment. These measures help in eliminating external sustainability and currency crisis in many countries and these are some of concerns that have affected many countries. IMF has developed several initiatives to help improve the effectiveness of bilateral trade. For example, the organization has established external vulnerability assessment. It has also developed initiatives to strengthen surveillance in the financial sector. The initiatives used to provide surveillance in the financial sector include a financial sector assessment program, and prevention of wastage of money. Other measures include prevention of terrorism financing, and assessment of offshore financial centre. IMF has also adopted other initiatives to help in improving its efforts. The organization has improved data provision to IMF, and also analyzing surveillance systems in member countries (Axel 2006, p 769-788). IMF helps in ensuring monetary policy in member countries are utilized effectively so as to prevent inflation (Axel 2006, p 769-788). International Monetary fund intervenes in trying to stabilize the exchange rate among member states. After the collapse of the Breton woods the main aim was to regulate the exchange rate of nations in order to avoid financial and economic imbalances IMF in this instance developed policies meant to help stabilize the exchange rate between countries. Mostly the organization favors a floating exchange rate and constant evaluates monitors and give recommendation on the appropriate exchange rate policies. At the same time IMF tries to develop monetary and exchange rate policy proposals in line with the individual countries policies. Exchange rate is critical in determination of a country’s monetary and trade policies. Monetary policy is used by monetary authorities to determine and regulate the circulation of money in the economy thus directly influencing the financial and economic measures to be taken. Determination of interest rates comes from the monetary policies decision taken. Adjustment of the interest rates either by lowering or increasing influence the pattern of the economic growth. Lower interest rates tend to stimulate economic growth and development. In this case monetary policy helps in enhancing economic growth, and stability in a country. IMF gives advices to countries on how to use monetary policy appropriately. Monetary policy is also used to prevent inflation in a country by raising interest rates. Monetary policy is important to member countries as it helps in improving economic status of the countries, and also enhancing development in the country. Countries with pegged exchange rates tend to unfairly compete with others in trade. Another role of International Monetary Fund is provision of loans to member countries. The organization provides loans to member countries experiencing balance of payment problems and economic difficulties. The loans provided by IMF are important to member countries as they help countries improve their international reserves, and pay for import (Axel 2006, p 769-788). The fund also helps countries stabilize currencies, and improve economic situations in the country so as to enhance economic growth in the country by adjusting policies to correct underlying problems. Funds provided by IMF help member countries improve national policies in the countries so as to eliminate problems. This is through restructuring of existing policies or creating new policies. IMF does not provide loans for specific projects in member countries. Member countries are encouraged to borrow from IMF if they have no enough funds to finance projects so as to meet their international payments. That is if the country cannot find enough financing to meet its net international payments and maintaining international buffer. IMF provides loans to member countries having financial problems so as to correct policies in the country, and carry out reforms. Countries are encouraged to use funds from IMF to adjust economic policies in the country so as to overcome economic crisis. This is important as it helps countries correct their financial balance, and improve conditions in the country. The funds enable countries to continue paying for imports, improve their international reserves and stabilize currencies. A member country has to follow the right lending process provided by IMF so as to get loans. IMF loans are provided under an agreement between the country, and IMF. The country provides enough reasons as to why it needs the money, and then economic program is established after the agreement. The program is established by country and IMF and presented to the right people. After the arrangement is approved then, IMF releases the funds in installments as the country continues to implement the program (Axel 2006, p 769-788). International monetary fund has established facilities that are customized to address specific situations of its member countries. Developing countries use different facilities from developed countries to access IMF loans. Low income countries use extended credit facility, and other facilities to borrow loans from IMF. These facilities allow countries to borrow on concession terms. Countries can access non- concessional loans via stand by arrangements, and other facilities that offer such loans. The organization provides emergency assistance to member countries to help them recover from natural disasters and conflicts (Axel 2006, p 769-788). Effectiveness of IMF Policies IMF uses various policies to help member countries improve their situations in the country, enhance economic growth, and financial stability. The policies include structural adjustment policies, financial crisis policies, and poverty reduction policies. Most people have criticized IMF policies for their ineffectiveness. This is because the policies implemented by International monetary organization have worsened economic conditions in member countries rather than improving the prevailing situations. The main role of IMF is to improve economic and financial stability in member countries using the policies named above. So far the IMF policies have not helped eliminate economic crisis in many countries and instead it has been contrary to expectations. The policies have affected developing countries more than developed countries as these countries depend on funds and advice from IMF to improve their economic status. (Robert and Jong-Wha 2002, p 1245-1269). Structural adjustment Policy is a shift of policies implemented by member nation’s mostly poor nations towards those guided and advised by IMF for purposes of qualifying to get financial and economic assistance. Structural adjustment policies have been criticized by scholars and experts as they have been seen as instruments of accelerating poverty and underdevelopment. Political shifts and governance reforms are always expected from the member nations expecting to benefit from the IMF. Most often the policies are in line with the system of governance of the developed nations (custodians of the IMF) which are deemed to be effective and efficient. Free trade and market liberalization is always encouraged by the IMF. Structural policies force countries to slash government spending and encourage privatization which also open up countries to exploitation by foreign investors. Structural adjustment policies have increased the level of poverty in many countries by causing many workers to loose jobs and reduction in income for workers due to free markets as most enterprises are sold to foreign investors who implement â€Å"effective† measures. The policies have given debt payment and economic development priority compared to education and health services. IMF has encouraged developing countries to lower living conditions of their citizens. This has affected provision of services in developing countries much. The policies have lead to shortage of the work force in developing countries as most companies, and health centers cannot afford to hire enough personnel (Ngaire 2002, p 83-100). IMF lending policies are condemned because of the conditionality associated with the policy. IMF forces member countries to adjust economic policies so as to overcome problems that led the countries to borrow funds from IMF. The international monetary lending policies are used to provide loans to member countries. The funds help member countries improve their economic status. International monetary lending policies do not serve member countries well. The policies are not flexible, and countries do not get enough money. The conditionality help IMF know if the country is able to repay the loan given. Developing countries do not get enough loans to finance projects in the country. Shortage of funds in developing countries hinders economic growth and increases poverty. The policy force developing countries cut their spending so as to have enough funds for development projects. The policies are not flexible enough to help developing countries get enough funds. In addition, the funds provided by international monetary fund are not enough to help countries eliminate problems. This prevents control of disasters and crisis in the country (Bird and Rowlands 2002, p 173-186). Conclusion The roles of IMF are very significant and critical in ensuring the stability and economic development of not only the member nations but the entire world in general. However Economic policies implemented by International monetary are not effective as they cause stifle economic growth. The economic policies are made to help developing countries improve economic growth, but they encourage economic stagnation. This is because developing countries cut spending in other sectors to get enough funds. Member countries have to cut spending on health sector, the education sector so as to get funds to adjust economic policies in the country. IMF encourages member countries to follow conditions established be fore accessing loans. The member countries are required to adjust policies in the country to overcome problems that have caused economic crisis in the country. This forces countries to concentrate on adjusting economic policies, but not development projects in those countries. This affects provision of crucial services in health care sectors and education. They also lead to lack of employment in developing countries. This leads to poor economic growth in developing countries (Axel 2004, p 445-464).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Gourmet foods company introduction of new drink

Gourmet foods company introduction of new drink Gourmet Foods Company is the strong retailer of Pakistan. Their product line is Retail, Bakers, Sweets, Beverages and Milk. To fulfil their aim to be the best company of the Pakistan they need professional marketing plan which will help the company to achieve its objectives more successfully and resourcefully, and getting a strong position in the market. When establishing a proficient marketing plan every phase of the marketing plan must be significantly examined and comprehensively researched. This consists of examining market research and check-up current situation. Once we have carefully evaluate the internal and external business environment and observe the business in broad the most appropriate marketing strategies will be selected and these strategies will be managed by effectively monitoring outside problem and opportunities and modifying internal competence procedures. The Challenge Introducing a new product in the market. The product will be low priced drink gourmet mix fruits providing the best quality with a satisfaction of customer. The product will be from major stock and it will be no doubt a customer-centred product. Gourmet introduces its new product gourmet mix fruits with 1 billion of marketing support. Situation analysis Company Analysis: Goals: The main goal of the company is to get the strong and secure position in the market. Focus: The focus of gourmet is introducing new products in the market as gourmet cola, gourmet lemon UP, Malta, soda ice cream, gourmet apple, and other products of bakers and sweets. Environment: The environment is neat and clean and well organised. However some people have some affair regarding their quality but it is generally accepted that their environment is healthy and their products no doubt are quality products. Strengths: Gourmet has a strong position in Pakistans market. And it has covered Lahores market as it has 90 outlets only in 1 city. Weakness: There are some health issues regarding Gourmets drinks like teeth problem, throat problems. Moreover lack of outlets in other cities of Pakistan. The Market Analysis Check up both the inside and outside business environment. It is very important that Gourmet carefully analyse both the internal and external aspects regarding its business as both the inside and outside environment and their individual effects will be important qualities in relation to Gourmets success and strength in the food industry. Internal Business Environment: The inside business environment and its impact is that which is within the control of business. The main part in the internal environment is effectiveness in the production, through management skills and effectual channels. To efficiently control and monitor the inside business environment, gourmet should have an eye on its operations and should take actions on factors which may affect it. External Business Environment: The outer business environment is also strong aspect that that can affect a whole business and, a whole market indeed, whatever it do not affect the company directly. There is no doubt that changes in the outside environment can possibly provide the chances or can create threats for Gourmet Foods and it should be well aware of it. A continuous change in the market, changes customer attitudes and values, and demographic example reliably impact the achievement of Gourmet foods production the market and the reaction they get from their consumers. Another aspect that has a great impact on its production is technological atmosphere so Gourmet should have met the latest technological standards. SWOT Analysis SWOT is an abbreviation of Strengths Weakness Opportunities and Threats. SWOT analysis is a organized and proper method much used in general management as well as marketing circumstances. SWOT analysis consists of exploratory the present activities of the company to evaluate its Strengths and find out its Weakness and then using this and external research data to put out the Opportunities and Threats that exist in the market. Strengths: Gourmet has been a main part of Pakistans market for a long time. The products position is loaded with sloppiness, and this is an position many people have taken it deeply as it has covered the market of Lahore which is considered a most prominent city of Pakistan due which its becoming familiar. It has almost 90 outlets in Lahore so people have to travel a little to get gourmet drinks. This familiar branding is one of gourmets best strengths. It is providing the best quality and enjoyment to their customers and its supply is continuously increasing day by day because of its wide variety of tastes. Furthermore, Gourmets bottling system is one of their extreme strengths. It allows them conduct business in all over the Pakistan; bottling companies are locally measured and controlled by independent business people who are allowed to sell products of the Gourmet food company. It is just because the Gourmet Company does not have absolute ownership of its bottling network. Weaknesses: It is generally accepted that the weaknesses for any organization require to be both minimised and scrutinized in order to successfully attain effectually and efficiency in their businesss performance, gourmet is no exemption. Although domestic business as well as many others markets of Pakistan are flourishing. Gourmet didnt open its outlets in others major cities like Gujarat, Jhelum, is just because they have low consumer power. Moreover major part of its customers are the universities and colleges which shows that the general public customers are less in number this is because other brands are also available with more market share and goodwill than gourmet. Additionally, Gourmet has an issue of having a teeth problem which cause health problems. It also has got sugar by which constant drinking of Gourmet may also cause health trouble. Being addicted to Gourmet is a health problem, because drinking of Gourmet daily has an effect on your body as well. Opportunities: Product identification is the considerable factor affecting Gourmets competitive position. Gourmets brand name is known well throughout Pakistan today. The most important concern is that above the past few years has been to get this name product to be even better standard. Packaging changes have also affected determinant of productivity. In other markets the product life series is in more of a progress trend Gourmets advantage in this area is mainly due to its business powerful branding and it is able to utilize this area of constant effectiveness to finance the domestic warfare. Threats: Currently, there are many threats the Gourmet foods is facing. One of the major threats is the threat of new businesses and companies in competition for which the management of gourmet is thinking more on securing their market position. In addition to it rivalry is among challenging firms in industry. Its direct competitors Marat Cola (in beverage) nestle have strong impact on its market share because these are also good reputed businesses. Another and very familiar threat which almost every business faces is the threat of substitute product. The units in which Gourmet deals are very common due which its almost every unit have its substitutes like Pepsi, Coca Cola, united king sweets etc are also dealing in the same products. The market share to the competition is low. Objectives and issues Gourmets objectives are: Its goal is to achieve 15% market share in one year Jan,2011 to Dec,2011 To achieve almost 30% returns in starting 1 or 2 months. Promoting the product and increasing the acknowledgement. Compete for the survival. Marketing Strategy Gourmet is going to compete in the market where it has many direct and indirect competitors who have large number of customers. Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy is strategy. Market segmentation Dividing the market into minor groups with separate needs, features, or actions who might want separate products or marketing mixes. The division is on the basis of geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural methods. Targeting market: The product we are going to offer is suitable for which market. After analysis Gourmet found that the city of Punjab (Gujarat) is the market where there are more chances of growth of gourmets new product. As the market is big and already have other brands but the opportunity is that the targeted customers are more interested in their local brands than international or other brands. As this is the targeted market so a major part of sales of gourmet mix fruits will be distributed to this market which will be approximately 60% and other 40% of sales will be distributed in other cities of Pakistan. The price would be reasonable as compare to its competitors and easily affordable. There is no authorized outlet of Gourmet in Gujarat so this product will be easily available at almost every retailing shop. Positioning When the process of market segmentation is done and it is decided which segment of the market Gourmet will compete in developed a clear picture of its targeted segment and defined its product, Gourmet will be able to develop the positioning strategy. Gourmet would arrange a perfect, unique, and desirable place relative to challenging product in the minds of directed consumers. Company will differentiate its product (Gourmet mix fruits) by adding some distinct features like a divers and quality taste in the same price range. The company will get the competitive advantage. Marketing Mix After deciding on its overall strategy Gourmet is ready to create planning the elements of marketing mix, one of the major concepts in modern marketing. The marketing mix is established for manageable, strategical tools that a firm mergers to create response it wants in the target market. The marketing mix consists of everything that a firm can do to influence the demand of its products. The tools are divided into 4 broad categories which are: Product Price Place promotion Product: Gourmet Foods is introducing a new product in the market which is a soft drink of mix fruits. It will be a different flavour than other soft drinks available in the market. The soft drink is going to launch with the brand name gourmet mix fruits. The packaging would same as before it has launched its existing carbonated drinks because it protects the product during shipping, and when it assemble in the shelf and when the customer is using it, it endorse the product and differentiate it from its substitute products offered by other companies. It also allows the business to plan promotional method, which can produce additional returns and advertisements. The drink would have a wide range from 240ml, 1 litter, 1.5 litters and 2 litters, it will also available in 5 litter family pack. No doubt the drink would have the best quality with lovely, nice and satisfying taste. After sales services would b given if there is any kind of problem regarding its quality like unpleasant taste or smell than it will be taken back and consumer ought to have his full payment back. However their will be a warranty 3 months within which the product should be used. Price: Marketing penetration means to sets a low primary price in order to breach the market quickly and deeply to attract a large number of consumers rapidly to increase market share Price sensitive market Inverse relationship of production and distribution cost to sales growth Low prices must keep competition out of the market Pricing strategies are vital to Gourmet because the price decides the total of sales and earnings per unit sold. Businesses should have to set a price that is more attractive and smart to their patrons and offer the business with an excellent level of profit. The product will be sold on ideal selling price which will be easily affordable. The cost of the product offered will depend on cost of production, cost of distribution and plus a fair rate of return. There will be no discount. Evaluating the cost Quantity Fixed cost (PKR) Variable cost (PKR) Total cost 240ml 8 7 15rs 1 litters 8 27 35rs 1.5 litters 8 37 45rs 2 litters 10 50 60rs 5 litters 20 85 110rs Place: The product would be distributed in the targeted market Gujarat, as it is manufacturing in Lahore so there would be a need of transportation and other market intermediaries like resellers and marketing services agencies. A van will be allocated distributing the stock to the targeted market well in time to save the customers from any inconvenience. Wholesalers will further distribute it to the resellers and finally the consumer will buy it. Company will hire the physical distribution firms that will also help it to move their stock from their point of origin to their final destination. The orders would be taken on internet or by the financial intermediaries like banks, credit companies, insurance companies, and other related units that help finance transactions or insure against the threats linked with buying and selling of product. Promotion: It includes all the means and ways through which a product can be promoted. One of the strongest way of promoting its product is products advertising. There are market intermediary that are the research firms, advertising companies, media firms, and market accessing firms that help the company goal and its products promotion to the target market. The ads will be given on famous Pakistani TV channels like Ptv, Ptv 2. It will also be advertised on news channels because this media have become so familiar and broad which will help the business in their product promotion. Moreover Gourmet also use another channel of advertising which is print media however it is not well developed but still is a useful mean of communication and selling activities. Conclusion: In the nutshell I would like to state that the Gourmet foods is flourishing company of Pakistan which deals in Retail, Bakers, Sweets, Beverages and Milk. No doubt that the company have secured good position in the market of Punjab (province of Pakistan). Gourmet is going well and as their focus is on introducing new and new products in the market, so the management of Gourmet decided to introduce a new product of beverages Gourmet mix fruits in the market giving a quality taste of different fruits in signal bottle. The targeted segment is another city of Punjab province named Gujarat which seems most suitable market for this act. The segmentation is on the basis of geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural approaches. Hopefully it will be appreciated in all age levels and mainly in youngster. The design of the bottle is same as it already have for their beverage products. Gourmet is going to launch this product with the investment of 5 million of market support which includes all the aspects regarding the production, packaging and promotion of the product.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Does Free Speech Go Too Far? -- Essays Papers

Does Free Speech Go Too Far? Freedom of speech is perhaps the most important right that we have in the United States of America. The first amendment of the Constitution gives everyone in the country the right to express their opinions as they see fit. Without this right, African-Americans might not have been afforded the opportunity to gain racial equality. While this is one of the ideas that this country is founded on, at times it seems to go to far. When a group spreading hatred and prejudice wants to exercise their own right to free speech, many people have a problem with it. Free speech cannot just be for those who you agree with, it has to be for everyone. As I have seen firsthand, when the voice speaking out preaches intolerance, the true voice of the people will overcome. The First Amendment to the Constitution states: â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances (Rights).† Without these words, the civil rights movement of the 1960’s might not have proved successful. Using non-violent resistance such as marches, boycotts, and sit-ins, the discrimination was fought. In many places, people tried to block the African-American’s freedoms. One example of this was on May 3, 1963 in Birmingham, Alabama. The police used dogs and high-pressure water hoses on the demonstrators, as well as arresting 4,000 people during a few days of demonstrations (Mayer). As they fought on, African-Americans were able to fight the good fight, and were successful in gaining their civil rights. Yet... ...-filled voices, the very march that I took place in proved that there are natural checks for those voices. The first amendment is there for those people whose voices might not otherwise be heard. Hopefully when the voice of the minority is that of prejudice, the greater, and righteous voice will overcome. Works Cited â€Å"Bill of Rights† Thomas Historical Documents. (30 November 2000). Herchel, Rabbi Jaffe. Personal Interview. 30 Nov. 2000. Mayer, Kurt Albert. â€Å"From Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation to Martin LutherKing’s Dream of Being ‘Free at Last’: African Americans and their Drawn-Out Struggle for Civil Rights,† (30 November 2000). Strum, Phillip. â€Å"Human Rights Organization in Civil Society,† (30 November 2000).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Research Paper †Stop Smoking Essay

Thousands of people worldwide indicate that smoking is addictive and harmful to health, scientific studies, research and other institutional bodies such as the World Health Organization, would support this thesis. Tobacco is responsible for nearly 1 in 3 deaths from cancer, thousands of people die of lung cancer and about 87% of these lung cancer deaths will be due to smoking. This habit not only increases the risk of lung cancer, but also is a factor in various cancers as of: mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, kidney and stomach. It also generates other risks such as heart disease, stroke and respiratory problems. According to the American Lung Association: â€Å"About 8. 6 million people in the U. S. have at least one serious illness caused by smoking†. This means that for every person who dies of a smoking-related disease, there are 20 more people who suffer from at least one serious illness associated with smoking. Likewise, it is well known that the consumption of tobacco also cause bad breath, skin unsightly, smelly clothes and hair among other things that harm our health significantly. We all have the right to do as we please but smoking poisons not only the one who has this bad habit, it also does it to all those who surround him. As Paul Slovic says in his book: Smoking: Risk, Perception & Policy (2001) â€Å"In Addition to the risk to the smoker, smoking endangers the health of those who are exposed to secondhand smoke. † Being exposed to secondhand smoke it is sometimes harmful that even smoking a cigarette, snuff smoke contains 4000 chemicals and 60 of these are carcinogenic it also produce various types of cancer. The polluted air snuff smoke also causes heart disease and many serious respiratory diseases in children and adults that can cause death. An economic impact on the pockets of those who smoke is another reason that makes it so harmful; the cost of smoking is an important part of the monthly budget in these people. The cost of lighting a cigarette can go beyond the risk of getting cancer. If parameter is taken as the price of a pack of Marlboro cigarettes Box of 20 ($ 6. 50), a person who smokes a pack a day spends about $ 45. 50 per week and about $ 2,180 a year. If they instead of smoking decide to invest that amount each year, they will probably build an interesting amount of money for a retirement plan. But that’s not all. The annual bill for smokers also grows in other areas such as life insurance and home, medications, cleaning costs, etc. Many insurers charge an extra premium on their life insurance for people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day. The values of these extra premiums vary according to age, sex and in some cases the type of snuff which they use (cigarette, pipe, cigar), but may be increased 30% if you are young and up to 70% for an adult. In the U. S. , the difference can be tripled. Some home insurance discriminate between smokers and nonsmokers, increasing the risk of fire, others do not cover fire accidents caused by smoking. An article posted in the New York Times edition of August 2013, says that â€Å"A smoker costs a private employer in the United States an extra $5,816 per year compared with a nonsmoker† The environment is the most suffering passive smoking. Snuff production causes pollution of natural resources, loss of biodiversity, forest fires, deforestation, increasing climate change and urban poor air quality. No other consumer product causes as much damage from cultivation, production, use and disposal as snuff. Butts filters are made of cellulose acetate, a non-biodegradable pollutant which can take effect on the environment more than 25 years to decompose. In addition to the filter, the butt can keep toxic substances that make up the cigarette. Nicotine and tar of a single cigarette can contaminate up to 50 liters of water. According to a report from the Florida State University (FSU), tobacco companies will add chemicals to cigarettes for smokers to not have to turn them on steadily. In the U. S, the leading cause of home fires is a lit cigarette unattended. FSU’s report also indicates that almost half of the litter on the streets is made up of cigarette butts. These residues can reach rivers, lakes and oceans and being ingested by birds, fish and other animals that may die not being able to digest. In Texas each year more than 1 billion pieces of litter will accumulate on Texas highways. Of those, 13 percent are cigarette butts. That means 130 million butts will be tossed out in Texas alone this year (Texas Department of Transportation). Smoking is a serious social problem as the damage that occurs not only in people who consume it but also with whom they live. It is amazing how a small cigar, can virtually dominate the lives of millions of people in the world. Only those who have tried to quit smoking know how difficult it is and how much it costs. By force of will and perseverance of the patient, are now added new drugs that make their contribution in the fight against cigarette addiction. Although it is legal and socially acceptable use, nicotine is a drug that affects us and creates dependency or addiction that makes organic conditions diminish the quality of life. It is our choice to be healthy, prevent disease, save money, and concern about the environment and most important thing our lives. Think of banishing an addiction so ingrained in our society is at the moment impossible; stay motionless is selfish and almost criminal. Smokers and nonsmokers should unite in a common goal: that our children will never become victims of an addiction as damaging. Works Cited 1. -The New York Times (August 2013) Article taken from: http://well. blogs. nytimes. com/2013/08/07/the-cost-of-a-smoker-5816/? _r=0 2. – American Lung Association http://www. lung. org/stop-smoking/about-smoking/facts-figures/general-smoking-facts. html 3. – Slovic, Paul. (2001). Smoking: Risk, Perception & Policy (Google Books – Digital Edition) 4. – Texas Department of Transportation Information http://www. cigarettelitter. org/

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mini Case Luxury Wars Essay

Hermes decided to list 25% of Hermes SA on the French stock market in 1993. This was done to provide family members with a means to value their stake in the company as well as partially cash-out if they felt their family dividends were not enough. 2.LVMH was able to attain such a large ownership position without the knowledge of Hermes family and management through equity swaps. Equity swaps are derivative contracts whereby two parties enter into a contract to swap future cash flows at a preset date. The cash flows are referred to as â€Å"legs† of the swap. In most equity swaps, one leg is tied to a floating rate like LIBOR (the floating leg), and the other leg is tied to the performance of a stock or stock index (the equity leg). It is also possible for an equity swap to have two equity legs. LVMH was able to avoid French regulations requiring disclosure of this type of position through tying only their value to the equity instrument and at maturity, the contract would be settled in cash and not shares. The contract is worded so that LFMH would have the â€Å"option† to take the shares as opposed to the contract requiring share settlement, which in the case of the latter, under French law, LVMH would have had to make a public disclosure. 3.In December 2010, the Hermes family decided to confirm its long-term unity by creating a family holding company separate from Emile Hermes SARL, which will hold the shares transferred by family members representing over 50% of Hermes International’s share capital. The family’s commitment to create this majority holding company is irrevocable. The new family-owned company will benefit from preferential rights to shares still directly owned by the family. This would ensure that their 73% ownership stake would always vote as one voice and ultimately secure the family’s continued control of the company. This holdings structure will last indefinitely as this majority holding will not allow outsiders to take over through equity swaps.

The Return: Midnight Chapter 2

Elena couldn't have been out for more than a few seconds. When she came to, everything was the same – although she wondered how she hadn't lethal y cut her own throat on the knife. She knew that the tray with the dishes and cup had gone flying into the darkness in that first instant when she couldn't help flinging out her arms. But now she recognized the grip, she recognized the scent, and she understood the reason for the knife. And she was glad that she did, because she was about as proud of fainting as Sage would have been of doing it. She wasn't a fainter! Now she wil ed herself to sag in Damon's arms, except for where the knife was. To show him that she was no threat. â€Å"Hel o, princess,†a voice like black velvet said into her ear. Elena felt an inner shiver – but not of fear. No, it was more as if her insides were melting. But he didn't change his grasp on her. â€Å"Damon†¦Ã¢â‚¬ she said huskily, â€Å"I'm here to help you. Please let me. For your sake.† As abruptly as it had come, the iron grip was withdrawn from her waist. The knife stopped pressing into her flesh, although the sharp, stinging feeling at her throat was quite enough to remind her that Damon would have it ready. Substitute fangs. There was a click, and suddenly the room was too bright. Slowly, Elena turned to look at Damon. And even now, even when he was pale and rumpled and haggard from not eating, he was so gorgeous that her heart seemed to plummet into darkness. His black hair, fal ing every which way over his forehead; his perfect, carven features; his arrogant, sensual mouth – right now compressed into a brooding line†¦ â€Å"Where is it, Elena?†he asked briefly. Not what. Where. He knew she wasn't stupid, and, of course, he knew the humans in the boardinghouse were hiding the star bal from him deliberately. â€Å"Is that al you have to say to me?†Elena whispered. She saw the helpless softening in his eyes, and he took one step toward her as if he couldn't help himself, but the next instant he looked grim. â€Å"Tel me, and then maybe I'l have more.† â€Å"I†¦see. Wel , then, we made a system, two days ago,†Elena said quietly. â€Å"Everyone draws lots for it. Then the person who gets the paper with the X takes it from the center of the kitchen table and everyone goes to their rooms and stays there until the person with the star bal hides it. I didn't get the lot today, so I don't know where it is. But you can try to – test me.†Elena could feel her body cringing as she said the last words, feeling soft and helpless and easily hurt. Damon reached over and slowly slipped a hand beneath her hair. He could slam her head against a wal , or throw her across the room. He could simply squeeze her neck between knife and hand until her head fel off. Elena knew that he was in the mood to take out his emotions on a human, but she did nothing. Said nothing. Just stood and looked into her eyes. Slowly, Damon bent toward her and brushed his lips – so softly – against hers. Elena's eyes drifted shut. But the next moment Damon winced and slid the hand back out of her hair. That was when Elena gave another thought as to what must have become of the food she had been bringing to him. Near-scalding coffee seemed to have splashed her hand and arm and soaked her jeans on one thigh. The cup and saucer were laying in pieces on the floor. The tray and the cookies had bounced off behind a chair. The plate of steak tartar, however, had miraculously landed on the couch, right side up. There was miscel aneous cutlery everywhere. Elena felt her head and shoulders droop in fear and pain. That was her immediate universe right now – fear and pain. Overwhelming her. She wasn't usual y a crier, but she couldn't help the tears that fil ed her eyes. Damn! Damon thought. It was her. Elena. He'd been so certain an adversary was spying on him, that one of his many enemies had tracked him down and was setting a trap†¦someone who had discovered that he was as weak as a child now. It hadn't even occurred to him that it might be her, until he was holding her soft body with one arm, and smel ing the perfume of her hair as he held an ice-slick blade to her throat with the other. And then he'd snapped on a light and saw what he had already guessed. Unbelievable! He hadn't recognized her. He had been outside in the garden when he'd seen the door to the storage room standing open and had known that there was an intruder. But with his senses degraded as they were he hadn't been able to tel who was inside. No excuses could cover up the facts. He had hurt and terrified Elena. He had hurt her. And instead of apologizing he had tried to force the truth out of her for his own selfish desires. And now, her throat†¦ His eyes were drawn to the thin line of red droplets on Elena's throat where the knife had cut her when she'd jerked in fear before col apsing right onto it. Had she fainted? She could have died right then, in his arms, if he hadn't been fast enough in whipping the knife away. He kept tel ing himself that he wasn't afraid of her. That he was just holding the knife absentmindedly. He wasn't convinced. â€Å"I was outside. You know how we humans can't see?†he said, knowing he sounded indifferent, unrepentant. â€Å"It's like being wrapped in cotton al the time, Elena: We can't see, can't smel , can't hear. My reflexes are like a tortoise's, and I'm starving.† â€Å"Then why don't you try my blood?†Elena asked, sounding unexpectedly calm. â€Å"I can't,†Damon said, trying not to eye the dainty ruby necklace flowing down Elena's slim white throat. â€Å"I already cut myself,†Elena said, and Damon thought, Cut herself? Ye gods, the girl was priceless. As if she'd had a little kitchen accident. â€Å"So we might as wel see what human blood tastes like to you now,†Elena said. â€Å"No.† â€Å"You know that you're going to. I know you know. But we don't have much time. My blood won't flow forever. Oh, Damon – after everything†¦just last week – â€Å" He was looking at her too long, he knew. Not just at the blood. At the glorious golden beauty of her, as if the child of a sunbeam and a moonbeam had entered his room and was harmlessly bathing him in light. With a hiss, narrowing his eyes, Damon took hold of Elena's arms. He expected an automatic recoil like the one when he'd grabbed her from behind. But there was no movement backward. Instead there was something like the leap of an eager flame in those wide malachite eyes. Elena's lips parted involuntarily. He knew it was involuntarily. He'd had many years to study young women's responses. He knew what it meant when her gaze went first to his lips before lifting to his eyes. I can't kiss her again. I can't. It's a human weakness, the way she affects me. She doesn't realize what it is to be so young and so impossibly beautiful. She's going to learn someday. In fact, I might accidental y teach her now. As if she could hear him, Elena shut her eyes. She let her head fal back and suddenly Damon found himself half-supporting her weight. She was surrendering al thought of herself, showing him that despite everything she stil trusted him, stil †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦stil loved him. Damon himself didn't know what he was going to do as he bent toward her. He was starving. It tore at him like a wolf's claws, the hunger. It made him feel dazed and dizzy and out of control. Half a thousand years had left him believing that the only thing that would relieve the starvation was the crimson fountain of a cut artery. Some dark voice that might have come from the Infernal Court itself whispered that he could do what some vampires did, ripping a throat like a werewolf. Warm flesh might ease the starvation of a human. What would he do, so close to Elena's lips, so close to her bleeding throat? Two tears slipped from under the dark lashes and slid a little way down her face before dropping into golden hair. Damon found himself tasting one before he could think. Stil a maiden. Wel , that was to be expected; Stefan was too weak to stand yet. But on top of the cynical thought came an image, and just a few words: a spirit as pure as driven snow. He suddenly knew a different hunger, a different thirst. The only place to ease this need was close by. Desperately, urgently, he sought and found Elena's lips. And then he found himself losing al control. What he needed most was here, and Elena might tremble, but she didn't push him away. This close, he was bathed in an aura as golden as the hair he was touching gently at the ends. He was pleased himself when she shivered in pleasure, and he realized that he could sense her thoughts. She was a strong projector, and his telepathy was the only Power left to him. He had no idea why he stil had it, but he did. And right now he wanted to tune into Elena. The wench! She wasn't thinking at al ! Elena had been offering her throat, truly surrendering herself, abandoning al thought but that she wanted to aid him, that his wishes were hers. And now she was too deeply enmeshed in the kiss to even make plans – which was extraordinary for her. She's in love with you, the tiny part of him that could stil think said. She's never said so! She's in love with Stefan! something visceral answered. She doesn't have to say it. She's showing it. Don't pretend you haven't seen it before! But Stefan – ! Is she thinking about Stefan in the slightest right now? She opened her arms to the wolf-hunger in you. This is no one-day stand, no quick meal, not even a steady donor. This is Elena herself. Then I've taken advantage of her. If she's in love, she can't protect herself. She's stil a child. I have to do something. The kisses had now gotten to the point that even the tiny voice of reason was fading. Elena had lost her ability to stand. He was either going to have to put her down somewhere, or give her a chance to back out. Elena! Elena! Damn it, I know you can hear me. Answer! Damon? – faintly. Oh, Damon, now do you understand – ? Too well, my princess. I Influenced you, so I should know. You†¦? No, you're lying! Why should I lie? For some reason my telepathy is as strong as ever. I still want what I want. But you might want to think a minute, maiden. I don't need to drink your blood. I'm human and right now I'm ravenous. But not for that mess of bloody hamburger you brought me. Elena broke away from him. Damon let her go. â€Å"I think you're lying,†she said, meeting his eyes directly, her mouth kiss-swol en. Damon locked the sight of her inside the boulder ful of secrets he dragged around with him. He gave her his best opaque ebony stare. â€Å"Why should I lie?†he repeated. â€Å"I just thought you deserved a chance to make your own choice. Or have you already decided to abandon little brother while he's out of commission?† Elena's hand flashed up, but then she dropped it. â€Å"You used Influence on me,†she said bitterly. â€Å"I'm not myself. I would never abandon Stefan – especial y when he needs me.† There it was, the essential fire at her core, and the fiery golden truth. Now he could sit and let bitterness gnaw at him, while this pure spirit fol owed her conscience. He was thinking this, already feeling the loss of her dazzling light receding when he realized he no longer had the knife. An instant later, horror just catching up with his hand, he was snatching it from her throat. His telepathic blast was entirely reflexive: What in Hell are you doing? Killing yourself because of what I said? This blade is like a razor! Elena faltered. â€Å"I was just making a nick – â€Å" â€Å"You almost made a nick that spurted six feet high!†At least he was able to speak again, despite the constriction of his throat. Elena was back on stable ground too. â€Å"I told you I knew you knew you'd have to try blood before you'l try to eat. It feels as if it's flowing down my neck again. This time, let's not waste it.† She was only tel ing the truth. At least she hadn't seriously hurt herself. He could see that fresh blood was flowing from the new cut she'd so recklessly made. To waste it would be idiotic. Utterly dispassionate now, Damon took her again by the shoulders. He tilted up her chin to look at her soft, rounded throat. Several new ruby cuts were flowing freely. Half a mil ennium of instinct told Damon that just there was nectar and ambrosia. Just there was sustenance and rest and euphoria. Just here where his lips were as he bent to her a second time†¦and he had only to taste it – to drink†¦ Damon reared back, trying to force himself to swal ow, determined not to spit. It wasn't†¦it wasn't utterly revolting. He could see how humans, with their degraded senses, could make use of the animal varieties. But this coagulating, mineral-tasting stuff wasn't blood†¦ it had none of the perfumed bouquet, the heady richness, the sweet, velvety, provocative, life-giving, ineffable attributes of blood. It was like some sort of bad joke. He was tempted to bite Elena, just to skim a canine over the common carotid, making a tiny scratch, so he could taste the little burst that would explode onto his palate, to compare, to make sure that the real stuff wasn't in there somehow. In fact he was more than tempted; he was doing it. But no blood was coming. His mind paused in midthought. He'd made a scratch al right a scratch like a scuff. It hadn't even broken the outer layer of Elena's skin. Blunt teeth. Damon found himself pressing on a canine with his tongue, wil ing it to extend, wil ing it with al his cramped and frustrated soul to sharpen. And†¦nothing. Nothing. But then, he'd spent al day doing the same thing. Miserably, he let Elena's head turn back. â€Å"That's it?†she said shakily. She was trying so hard to be brave with him! Poor doomed white soul with her demon lover. â€Å"Damon, you can try again,†she told him. â€Å"You can bite harder.† â€Å"It's no good,†he snapped. â€Å"You're useless – â€Å" Elena almost slid to the floor. He kept her upright while snarling in her ear, â€Å"You know what I meant by that. Or would you prefer to be my dinner rather than my princess?† Elena simply shook her head mutely. She rested in the circle of his arms, her head against his shoulder. Little wonder that she needed rest after al he'd put her through. But as for how she found his shoulder a comfort†¦wel , that was beyond him. Sage! Damon sent the furious thought out on al the frequencies he could access, just as he had been doing al day. If only he could find Sage, al his problems would be solved. Sage, he demanded, where are you? No answer. For al Damon knew, Sage had managed to operate the Gateway to the Dark Dimension that was even now standing, powerless and useless, in Mrs. Flowers's garden. Stranding Damon here. Sage was always that blindingly fast when he took off. And why had he taken off? Imperial Summons? Sometimes Sage got them. From the Fal en One, who lived in the Infernal Court, at the lowest of the Dark Dimensions. And when Sage did get them, he was expected to be in that dimension instantly, in mid-word, in mid-caress, in mid – whatever. So far Sage had always made the deadline, Damon knew that. He knew it because Sage was stil alive. On the afternoon of Damon's catastrophic bouquet investigation Sage had left on the mantel a polite note thanking Mrs. Flowers for her hospitality, and even leaving his gigantic dog, Saber, and his falcon, Talon, for the protection of the household – a note doubtlessly pre-prepared. He had gone the way he always did, as unpredictably as the wind, and without saying good-bye. Undoubtedly he'd thought that Damon would find his way out of the problem easily. There were a number of vampires in Fel ‘s Church. There always were. The ley lines of sheer Power in the ground drew them even in normal times. The problem was that just now al those vampires were infested with malach – parasites control ed by the evil fox-spirits. They couldn't be lower in the vampire hierarchy. And of course Stefan was a complete nonstarter. Even if he hadn't been so weak that trying to change Damon into a vampire would have kil ed him; even if his anger over Damon's â€Å"stealing his humanity†could be assuaged, he would simply never have agreed, out of his feeling that vampirism was a curse. Humans never knew about things like the vampire hierarchy because the subjects didn't concern them – until suddenly, they did, usual y because they had just been changed into a vampire themselves. The hierarchy of vampires was strict, from the useless and ignoble to the fanged aristocracy. Old Ones fit in that category, but so did others who were particularly il ustrious or powerful. What Damon wanted was to be made a vampire by the kind of women Sage knew, and he was determined to have Sage find him a vampire lady of quality, one who was real y worthy of him. Other things tormented Damon, who had spent two entire sleepless days pondering them. Was it possible that the white kitsune who had given Stefan the bouquet had engineered a rose that turned the first person to smel it permanently human? That would have been Stefan's greatest dream. The white fox had listened to days upon days of Stefan's ramblings, hadn't he? He'd seen Elena weeping over Stefan. He'd seen the two lovebirds together, Elena hand-feeding a dying Stefan her blood through razor wire. Fortune only knew what ideas that fox had gotten into his furry white head when he'd prepared the rose that had â€Å"cured†Damon of his â€Å"curse.†If it turned out to be an irreversible â€Å"cure†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ If Sage turned out to be unreachable†¦ It suddenly broke into Damon's thoughts that Elena was cold. It was strange, since the night was warm, but she was shivering violently. She needed his jacket or†¦ She's not cold, the smal voice somewhere deep inside him said. And she's not shivering. She's trembling because of al you've put her through. Elena? You forgot all about me. You were holding me, but you completely forgot my existence†¦ If only, he thought bitterly. You're branded on my soul. Damon was suddenly furious, but it was different from his anger at kitsune and Sage and the world. It was the kind of anger that made his throat close and his chest feel too tight. It was an anger that made him pick up Elena's scalded hand, which was rapidly turning scarlet in patches, and examine it. He knew what he would have done as a vampire: stroked over the burns with a silky cool tongue, generating chemicals to accelerate the healing. And now†¦there was nothing he could do about it. â€Å"It doesn't hurt,†Elena said. She was able to stand now. â€Å"You're lying, princess,†he said. â€Å"The insides of your eyebrows are up. That's pain. And your pulse is jumping – â€Å" â€Å"You can sense that without touching me?† â€Å"I can see it, at your temples. Vampires,†with vicious emphasis on what he stil was, in essence, â€Å"notice things like that. I made you hurt yourself. And I can't do anything to help. Also† – he shrugged – â€Å"you're a beautiful liar. About the star bal , I mean.† â€Å"You can always sense when I'm lying?† â€Å"Angel,†he said wearily, â€Å"it's easy. You are either the lucky holder of the star bal today†¦or you know who is.† Again, Elena's head drooped in consternation. â€Å"Or else,†Damon said lightly, â€Å"the entire story of the drawing of the lots was a lie.† â€Å"Think what you like,†Elena said, with at least some of her usual fire. â€Å"And you can clean up this mess, too.† Just as she turned to leave, Damon had a revelation. â€Å"Mrs. Flowers!†he exclaimed. â€Å"Wrong,†Elena snapped. Elena, I wasn't talking about the star ball. I give you my word on this. You know how hard it is to lie telepathically – Yes, and I know that therefore, if there's one thing in the world you'd†¦practice†¦at†¦ She couldn't finish. She couldn't make the speech. Elena knew how much Damon's word meant to him. I'll never tell you where it is, she sent telepathical y to Damon. And I swear to you that Mrs. Flowers won't either. â€Å"I believe you, but we're stil going to see her.† He picked Elena up easily and stepped over the smashed cup and saucer. Elena automatical y grabbed his neck with both hands to balance herself. â€Å"Darling, what are you doing – ?†Elena cried, then stopped, wide-eyed, two scalded fingers flying to her lips. Standing in the doorway, not two yards away from them, was petite Bonnie McCul ough, a bottle of Black Magic wine, nonalcoholic but mystical y exhilarating, held high in her hand. But as Elena watched, Bonnie's expression changed al in an instant. It had been triumphant joy. But now it was shock. It was disbelief that couldn't hold. Elena knew exactly what she was thinking. The whole house had devoted itself to making Damon comfortable – while Damon stole what rightful y belonged to Stefan: Elena. Plus he'd lied about not being a vampire anymore. And Elena wasn't even fighting him off. She was cal ing him â€Å"darling†! Bonnie dropped the bottle and turned, running.